Presentation Guidelines

Presentation Language

Since most of the participants of KogWis'12 are German speakers it is highly probable that all persons in the audience can understand and speak German. However, to allow non-German speakers to participate in sessions, we propose the following policy:


Each Author will be given a 15 minutes slot to present his research plus 5 additional minutes for discussion. Each conference room will be equipped with an projector with VGA-connector. We assume that every MAC user provides his own VGA-adapter. If you need any other equipment during your talk please contact the organizers.


Please prepare a poster up to a size of DIN A0 in portrait or landscape orientation. We will provide mobile screens and pins to attach your poster. Mobile screens will be numbered corresponding to the poster numbers as given by our submission system.
Posters will be presented during the Welcome Reception on Monday evening. During this time one author of the poster is required to stand next to her/his poster. As we like to give all participants an opportunity to visit your poster, we ask you to leave your poster on the wall until the end of the conference.


Please note that symposia can have time slots of variable length, depending on the number of contributors. You can calculate approximately 15 minutes for introduction and wrap-up and about 30 minutes for each talk including discussion. Please consult the organizer of the symposium for presentation requirements and guidelines.